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To begin John Proctor was a respected farmer in his mid-thirties in Salem, MA during the times of the Salem Witch Trials. John was married to a woman named Elizabeth who he loved dearly but she always pushed him away. He pursue show more content Abigail is only 16 and wants John but John knows he is married and loves his wife John Proctor has changed throughout the play because he became closer to his wife and his social status went down. But ultimately he decided he would rather die a good christian than live as a liar. One way John Proctor changed throughout the play was he became closer to his wife. I say that because they talked and opened up to each other · John Proctor also knew that God saw his sins, and that it shouldn’t matter what others believe of him, since God was the only true ruler of their world. “You’re the Devil’s man!I will not hang with you, I love God, I love God.” Mary

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· We Will Write a Custom Essay about A Character Analysis John Proctor Essay For You For Only $/page! order now Parris should lay his hand upon my baby. I see no light of god in that man. I’ll not conceal it. ” (Miller 62) John Proctor has many positive traits about him, as well as a darker immoral side John Proctor is one of the main characters in the Crucible. He was indicted of witchcraft because of he violated the law several times. Examples that helped the church assume he was a witch was him stating that the girls who were “possessed” were liars & frauds, setting everything up to accuse other villagers of witchcraft · John Proctor has a good reputation in Salem, already having a solid foundation of Referent power, the power given to someone because they are liked and respected. John Proctor is described as “respected and even feared in Salem” (Miller, ; act 1). This type of power is hard to phrasal

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John Proctor has changed throughout the play because he became closer to his wife and his social status went down. But ultimately he decided he would rather die a good christian than live as a liar. One way John Proctor changed throughout the play was he became closer to his wife. I say that because they talked and opened up to each other · John Proctor has a good reputation in Salem, already having a solid foundation of Referent power, the power given to someone because they are liked and respected. John Proctor is described as “respected and even feared in Salem” (Miller, ; act 1). This type of power is hard to phrasal · We Will Write a Custom Essay about A Character Analysis John Proctor Essay For You For Only $/page! order now Parris should lay his hand upon my baby. I see no light of god in that man. I’ll not conceal it. ” (Miller 62) John Proctor has many positive traits about him, as well as a darker immoral side

Exellent Essays
John Proctor has changed throughout the play because he became closer to his wife and his social status went down. But ultimately he decided he would rather die a good christian than live as a liar. One way John Proctor changed throughout the play was he became closer to his wife. I say that because they talked and opened up to each other · John Proctor Character Analysis Essay Imagine being executed for not confessing to a crime you didn’t do, that’s the story of John Proctor’s life. All he was worrying about was his image to people that were most important to him. All his intentions were trying to do good for himself and his family · Proctor was a man who had devoted himself to God, however had the priorities of his family’s wellbeing set on top of being a devout church member. Several had questioned him for this and his absence to church over and over, and believed he failed to care for God as powerfully as he portrayed himself to. However, this wasn’t the case

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· John Proctor Character Analysis Essay Imagine being executed for not confessing to a crime you didn’t do, that’s the story of John Proctor’s life. All he was worrying about was his image to people that were most important to him. All his intentions were trying to do good for himself and his family · We Will Write a Custom Essay about A Character Analysis John Proctor Essay For You For Only $/page! order now Parris should lay his hand upon my baby. I see no light of god in that man. I’ll not conceal it. ” (Miller 62) John Proctor has many positive traits about him, as well as a darker immoral side · Proctor was a man who had devoted himself to God, however had the priorities of his family’s wellbeing set on top of being a devout church member. Several had questioned him for this and his absence to church over and over, and believed he failed to care for God as powerfully as he portrayed himself to. However, this wasn’t the case
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